Did we mention Void Crew 1.0 is finally here? Well it is! You are not dreaming! After months (years) of work, polish, optimization, designs, feedback and more we finally have 1.0 hit the shelves ... so to speak!
Though we have covered a lot of the topics of the new stuff of 1.0 in previous articles, this article covers it ALL ... I can't even tell you how long we spent writing the changelist (even if most of it is automated).
Gameplay video - Walkthrough main Void Crew features
Let's get started with gameplay video - Narrated and Devs playing co-op:
Update List
New Content
This update sees TWO new objectives added to the already large pool of objectives: INFESTATION and DESECRATION. Where one tests your team's coordination and speed, the latter leaves you exposed while you decide what upgrade to grab for your ship!
The Fabricator has received a major overhaul, introducing two new functionalities: Fabricator Upgrading (leading to faster operation, automation and access to more stuff!), and Blueprints created by recycling items.
The fiery Vigilance system sees a new HOLLOW Firemorph, spewing homing missiles which erupt into heat fields. The electromagnetic Bravery system gets the HOLLOW Electromorph, draining ship power from Ectype ships who get too close.
Ship Loadouts now come with a Blessed Homunculus, which carries with it new abilities suited for each Loadout. This fortunately makes more room for Relics, some of which have been turned into Scaling Relics, boosting their effect based on some condition (F.x. weapon fire-rate boost based on amount of active defects on ship). And as icing on the cake, collectors and bosses can now drop the mysterious Nano Copy Matrix.
The Perk Tree has been revamped, new perks introduced, and changes made to incorporate all the great feedback ... and yes, includes the completion of the Perk Selection Loadouts. In addition, we've added the Superior version of all the class abilities, along with a perk to improve it even further!
Achievements which not only unlocks achievements on Steam, but also grants unique one-time cosmetic rewards in-game, allowing you to show off your achievements in style. Daily and weekly challenges offer Ectypes a recurring chance at some high rarity rewards. The galaxy map now features Loadout Challenges with promise of additional rewards.
A new Kensei samurai-inspired Cosmetic set can now be found in various cosmetic loot crates. In addition we wanted to show our deepest appreciation to our community, so BETA testers are gaining a Unique BETA-tester projection, and Early Access players getting Crashguard Visor Helmet, Color-override Pattern Crashtype and two exclusive Projections. <3
Edit: The article erroneously referred to a centurion set being made available to EA players. We apologize deeply - This was wrong: All players can get the "Decimation" armor pieces from the Gift of Victory for defeating bosses. Early Access players get the Crashguard Visor Helmet, Color-override Pattern Crashtype and two exclusive Projections. The above text has been adjusted.
Gameplay & Balancing
Community Requests
- Item swapping - picking up an item while already carrying an item will swap them
- B.R.A.I.N. Auto Mechanic, to help maintain a part of the ship (especially for those Solo Ectypes!)
- "Founder's Pack" supporter DLC now available!
- Lootbox Exchange added to Personal Loadout Terminal - merge Gifts of METEM for a better Gift
- Added "Lone Sentry" loadout to the Destroyer
- Rewards (XP & Lootboxes) are now given to players during the mission, so even quitting/crashing will still make you keep your rewards
- Added player role indicator in player hud
- Skip to loot box opening
- Turned off headbobbing now also disables camera zooming in and out when walking around
- Last used loadout gets saved between session
- Roles of players in the room are now visible in matchmaking terminal
- All objectives now reward a common lootbox
- Prism Matriarch summoned enemies scales with number of players
Balancing and Tweaks
- Huge performance improvements in all aspects of the game, in particular in longer play sessions
- Jetpacks and Trails are now customizable cosmetics
- Sarcograph areas in Destroyer revamped
- Helm updated with more visual doodads and a new "helming" pose
- New voice acted dialogue by human professional voice actor, for all non-Homunculus characters (METEM Command, Ectype Pilots, Hub Newscaster).
- New voice for Homunculus, authentic text-to-speech, created by human professional voice actor, as base for cloning in-game AI voice (we call it ethical AI: Consent/Credit/Compensation. Voice actor paid per word generated)
- New in-game custom Cursor
- New fullscreen HUD VFX for fire and electrical damage
- New UI and SFX for objective completion
- Improved Awakening UX and flow
- Airlock panel reworked
- Multiple Relics reworked/rebalanced
- New Main Menu visuals
- Improved Void Jump flow UI
- New objective UI
- New UI in Galaxy Map
- Jetpack rack now only shows current player’s jetpack and only if the player does not have a jetpack equipped
- Private lobbies are now shown in the matchmaking terminal
- Improved UX for powering on space base objectives
- Pilot 1st and 3rd person now have the same HUD
- Added non-coop Download base for solo play
- Added condition to make coop base only appear in multiplayer sessions
- Objective UI is now hidden when interacting with terminals
- Tweaks to Astral Map UI
- Tweaks to context info UI
- Multiple tweaks to text sizes in different parts of UI
- Longer quick-warnings
- Spacecraft markers are now hidden unless you’re seated or flying with jetpack
- Added dynamic text sizing to subtitles and related style change
- Ship Power can't go below 1, and negative power debuffs are shown in the Power Bar as a red negative
- Major hull breach icon tweaked
- Context info for weapon mods will now be shown in Fabricator and in Astral map
- Urgency Markers for breakers tweaked
- Added Void Drive charge progress info in Frigate engine room
- When ship is unpowered, module power button interaction info says “unpowered” instead of “power on”
- Empowered Weapon ability VFX now appears on the weapon when ability is active
- Added HUB gate opening SFX
- Made it more obvious when wayfinder is offline in 3rd person pilot view
- Added Clear Target Locks keybind to helm
- Added objective markers to all unscanned containers in Salvage
- Items can now get pinged even if they are too far away to show a context info
- If the UI had been hidden by holding H, it is reenabled after you enter and leave the escape menu
- HOLLOW faction enemies should now have purple death explosion
- Balanced rarities of some cosmetics
- Enemies now have a slight emission to help visibility in darkness
- Emotes animations improved
- Tweaked projection sizes to fit better on tiny visor helmets
- Added emissive parts to most armour cosmetics
- The Raid Objective difficulty scales with number of players
- Added 2 and 3 Power Cell sockets to Recuser Mark II and III
- Weapon accuracy revamped
- Increased Scoop Mark III range to 300
- Moved Broadside loadouts to Starboard side
- Rebalanced Reclaimer arrival times for Normal, Hard and Insane objective difficulties
- HOLLOW Morph hitpoints rebalanced
- Salvage containers are now less rewarding
- Updated GDPR
- Updated game credits
- Tweaked Gravity Scoops, including pickup range
- Ambush patrols rebalanced
- Salvage starting enemies are now two summoners and a medium fighter swarm
- Increased aggro range of HOLLOW Summoners
- SETTINGS: Added Room settings to escape menu
- SETTINGS: Player cloud ID can now be accessed via main menu
- SETTINGS: "Voice" fader got renamed to "Mission Speech"
- SETTINGS: Added new fader to control Voice Emotes volume - "Player Emotes"
- SETTINGS: Turning down "Mission Speech", "Player Emotes" or "Voice Chat Volume" will now properly turn down the corresponding reverb
- SETTINGS: New popup when changing language in game
- SETTINGS: Added immersive voice chat intensity setting
- SETTINGS: Added tooltips to some of the settings
- SETTINGS: Added setting for extended UI information
- SETTINGS: Moved microphone muted and master volume
- SETTINGS: Rearranged order of graphic settings
Issues Fixed
- Improved enemy collision detection - enemies should fly through terrain significantly less
- Fixed pilot controls sometimes misbehaving
- Fixed asteroids and ice shards being able to spawn too close to the ship
- Fixed asteroids and ice shards dealing multiple instances of damage
- Fixed mission UI breaking for players joining late
- Fixed Astral Map breaking if interacting with it near the end of the void jump
- Fixed Astral Map getting stuck on screen
- Fixed jetpack malfunction label getting stuck on screen even after interference ends
- Fixed the ship getting stuck on asteroids colliders
- Fixed the microphone being muted when launching the game with push to talk on
- Fixed main menu background disappearing after leaving a multiplayer session
- Fixed getting stuck on some colliders when walking around the ship
- Fixes to keybind hole fill in
- Fixes to text and UI overlapping in multiple places
- Improvements to readability on Steamdeck
- Fixed door interaction info
- Respawn keybind info is now shown when dead
- Added interaction info fill to remaining levers and buttons
- Fixed the class ability showing on top of the terminal when chosen for the first time
- Upgrading now fails correctly when module is busy and failing does not consume the upgrader
- Buildbox construction can no longer be cancelled by pressing the button again
- Buildbox construction buttons are now animated
- Fixed lag in perk terminal
- Fixed Prism Boss SFX
- Fixed collider on Carronade weapon seat
- Fixed being able to set the player limit to 0 in a room
- Fixed the Thruster Booster Station buttons breaking if they are used before the module is powered on
- Fixed collider on Power Generator
- Fixed VFX on stationary gatling gun
- HOLLOW Shielded Bomber Elite now correctly fires 2 volleys instead of 1
- Fixed not being able to construct modules on the left of Recuser beamcaster Mk III if a power cell is in the left slot
- Fixed player projections being blurry on Low graphic settings
- Fixed HOLLOW Bomber projectiles missing trails
- Fixed Salvage offering no objective if it’s the first mission of the run
- Fixed some VFX being blurry when using FSR
- Fixed being unable to launch the game if active monitor does not get detected
- Fixed being unable to click things if you leave a terminal screen white holding down a mouse button
- Fixed settings not being applied if joining game via Steam invite while having game closed
- Fixed not being able to interact with chairs if standing too close to them
- Fixed lighting on carryables inside the ship
- Fixed the voice chat still being active in main menu if a player gets kicked immediately after joining
- Fixed 3rd person pilot camera breaking if you become a host
- Fixed some parts of weapons not casting shadows
- Fixed Proctorship Vestment textures
- Fixed an issue where accepting an invite during loading screen would result in a blackscreen
- Fixed Power Fuse sometimes spawning in terrain
- Corrected various codex entries
- Huge amount of UI tweaks and fixes
- Huge amount of collision fixes
- Huge amount of art fixes
- Huge amount of audio fixes