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Pilot Ectypes are especially apt in the use of the ship controls both in and outside of combat. With buffs to engine propulsion, yaw speed, thruster booster duration and more, they'll be spending most of their time at the helm of the ship.
- Let's take a look at your control center—the bridge. On every bridge, you'll find a navigation console and a pilot's wheel. The navigation console displays a map of the star system with active tasks, including 2–3 missions or a boss mission. Secondary missions are marked with a question mark, while the sector exit is also indicated on the map. A green checkmark below a mission signifies its completion. To the left of the pilot's wheel, there is a large red handle for activating the engines and cruise control (which can also be toggled using the "Z" key by default). On the right, you'll find the lever for Void jumping. You can switch to third-person mode by pressing the "Tab" key (default).
- You can move forward, backward, yaw left or right, and ascend or descend. Combine these movements to dodge incoming fire. Keep in mind that most enemies will predict your movements, so change your direction frequently to stay unpredictable.
- During battle, a hull breach will likely occur outside the ship. Repair it later when you have the time.
- Maximize resource collection by carefully directing the ship's scoop toward nearby resources.
- Command your crew effectively by assigning specific tasks to each crewmate. As the pilot, you have the best view of the situation, so guide them based on what you see to ensure smooth teamwork and mission success.
- Get shields as soon as possible. The Arc Shield will reduce incoming damage, while the Kinetic Point Defense will shoot down mines, missiles, etc., making the Gunner's job easier.
- Charging the Void drive takes power from the engines, so make sure you won't need that power during the charge.
- Flying the ship
- Commanding the crew
- Initiating void jumps
- Avoiding damage
- Scanning for loot and enemies
- Target locking enemies
- Giving Gunners clear shooting angles
- Aligning loot items with the gravity scoop - Always Be Scooping!
- Yelling at your Engineer to go charge your boosters
- Notify everyone in case of entering the Void.
- Try not to burn crew members with the engines.
- Avoiding damage determines how long your run will last. A good tactic, especially against Bombers, is to fly either up or down, rotate in one direction, and move either forward or backward. Using thruster boost improves your chances of avoiding damage. Try combining multiple movement directions.
- Always communicate with your gunner, as they don't always see what you see.
- At the beginning of a mission, when you are not yet detected and the Reclaimer is not approaching, use this time wisely: repair your ship, organize looted items, and explore wrecks and kill collectors.
- If you see a group of enemies and have not been detected yet, you can bait them. Wait for their light beacon to turn yellow, then fall back. They will investigate your last known position. This tactic works well against groups of Cruisers in Priority Target side objectives.
- It's a good idea to fly below enemies, as gunners have a better view of upper guns compared to lower ones.
- Try taking damage from only one side of the ship. This will cause Major Hull Breaches to appear more frequently, allowing you to use Sanctified Hull Repair Plate effectively.
- Use X to mark engine trims so the Engineer can locate them faster.
- Move toward scoopable items to collect them more quickly. Be cautious, though—items can get stuck or blocked by parts of your ship, which can waste time.