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 Creator: kuzmer08 and unknown person.

The roles in Void Crew are fluid, so choose the tasks you want to do (and switch when you want).

Pilot Ectypes are especially apt in the use of the ship controls both in and outside of combat. With buffs to engine propulsion, yaw speed, thruster booster duration and more, they'll be spending most of their time at the helm of the ship.

  • Let's look at your control place - the bridge. On any bridge there is a navigation console and a pilot's wheel. Using the console, a map of the star system with active tasks will open in front of you, a line connects the main missions, a question mark marks secondary missions, a green checkmark under a mission indicates that it has been completed. The pilot's helm to the left has a large red handle that activates the engines, on the right you can see the icon of your ship and the lever for switching to Void. Switch to 3rd person mode by pressing the "1" key and familiarize yourself with the controls at the very bottom of the screen from you. Congratulations! You can start ramming meteors.
  • Evasion from enemy missiles of various types is carried out primarily using the "space" and "C". The bulk of the game's projectiles are launched at the ship's location at the exact moment of firing, and only some of the missiles have homing capabilities. If the pilot knows

the location of the ship's defense systems, turning it towards missiles - this is the best pilot.

  • Repair is one of the most important reasons for your survival and should not be underestimated. During the battle, a hole will most likely appear outside the ship, you will have to stop the ship and hold it in place... Unless, of course, you want your favorite engineer to fly into outer space.
  • Gathering resources is the second most important aspect of a ship's survival (besides the ability to "TRA-TA-TA-TA" at enemy aircraft) and you are the main person during resource collection by directing the ship's magnet to the resources.

IMPORTANT! The magnet is directed in the direction on which it is installed and collects within a limited radius.

  • Shields are the third reason for a ship's survival. The pilot must correctly position the ship under enemy attack in case it is impossible to dodge it. The ship should be turned towards the enemy with the part with active shields (if there are any on the ship at all); you can find out where the shields are active by looking at the icon of your ship on the control monitor by looking at the stripes in any part of the ship.
  • Retreating can save your ship in critical situations, but you still need to be able to retreat. A tactical change of position is carried out by moving backwards, looking with the bow of the ship at the enemy from which you are retreating. If the destroyer does not have weapons in the rear, NEVER fly away from the enemy without charged boosters, they will catch up with you and you will waste even more health of the ship.


  • Flying the ship
  • Initiating void jumps
  • Dodging enemy bullets and incoming ice crystals (Temperance only)
  • Scanning distant objects
  • Target locking enemies
  • Giving Gunners clear shooting angles
  • Aligning loot items with the gravity scoop - Always Be Scooping!
  • Yelling at your Engineer to go charge your boosters
  • Notify everyone in case of entering the Void.
  • Choose to continue the route.
  • Try not to burn crew members with the engines.
  • Demand that the direction of the shields be changed towards the enemy.

See Also