Development Q&A

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This is a collection of responses the developers of Hutlihut Games have given to community questions during Dev Streams, Talks, and in Discord.
There are two different formats:

  • Hutlihut Talks - Bi-weekly videos, where Hutlihut Games crew talks about what is going on in developing Void Crew and also answer some community questions.
  • Dev streams - These are bi-weekly live streams where Devs play Void Crew. These are simultaneous broadcast on several channels:
    SoMeYouTube.pngYouTube - Twitch - SoMeFacebook.pngFacebook - SoMeTwitter.pngX / Twitter.

All links in the lists below include timestamps.

DISCLAIMER: Please remember that the responses below should not be taken as absolute Metem truth.

  • The developers who stream the game don't always know or can talk about everything being worked on, so they reply with their own thoughts and opinions.
  • Hutlihut Games development process is flexible enough that not every decision is set in stone. Plans may change as the game changes, and what had been shared in the past may not be true some time later.
  • The stream team is splitting its attention between playing the game and answering questions. Miscommunication happens, and sometimes people simply forget or mix things up.
  • Some responses are straight-up jokes. Use your judgement.

What is NOT on this list:

  • Questions along the lines of "When is the next update?" or "Is the next update going to have X?" You can view the latest roadmap here.
  • Questions like "What is your favorite weapon?" and other open-ended questions not phrased as suggestions or ideas for Void Crew.
  • Questions about adding features that are already in the game and that the question asker wasn't aware of.
  • Questions that were misinterpreted, and the response didn't really answer the question.
  • Questions which nobody could really comment on.

If you'd like to contribute to the list, please follow the guidelines for adding Dev Q&A.

To change sorting, click the "small arrow, beside the Category header.
Otherwise the Responses are sorted by date from newest to oldest, then by category, then by suggestion alphabetically. Refresh the page to return to the default sorting.

Use [Ctrl] + [F] to search for specific keywords. If you want to search through the entire history of comments filtered by category, there's a Google spreadsheet better suited for that.

Hutlihut Talks - Vlogs (videos)

Hutlihut Talks - Vlog #5 - Update 5 + Dev Q&A 18.07.2024
Hutlihut Talks - Vlog #4 - Designing of Void Crew - Talk at Nordic Game Jam 2024 19.04.2024
Designing of Void Crew - Talk at Nordic Game Jam 2024 - Written summary 19.04.2024
Hutlihut Talks - Vlog #3 - Tech Talk at #CopenhagenGamingWeek 16.01.2024
Hutlihut Talks - Vlog #2 18.11.2023
Hutlihut Talks - Vlog #1 02.11.2023

Dev Streams

#17 - Community Q&A and end of Winter Holiday 17.01.2025
Dev Stream #16 - Community Q&A 12.12.2024
Dev Stream #15 - 1.0 Launch with Jesse Cox 27.11.2024
Dev Stream #14 - Community Q&A 27.09.2024
- Highlights Dev Stream #14 30.09.2024
Dev Stream #13 - Major Update! With Captain Jack 12.09.2024
- Highlights Dev Stream #13 14.09.2024
Dev Stream #12 - Major Update! Bosses & Relics 08.09.2024
- Highlights Dev Stream #12 08.09.2024
Dev Stream #11 - New Patch! A few features and a lot of bug fixes 05.07.2024
- Highlights Dev Stream #11 12.07.2024
Dev Stream #10 - Update 4 out! Endless Roguelite 14.06.2024
- Highlights Dev Stream #10 21.06.2024
Dev Stream #9 - With Update 4 Sneak Peeks! 14.03.2024
- Highlights Dev Stream #9 14.03.2024
Dev Stream #8 - Update 3 Hype! With Captain Jack 16.02.2024
- Highlights Dev Stream #8 16.02.2024
Dev Stream #7 - With a special guest! 25.01.2024
- Highlights Dev Stream #7 25.01.2024
Dev Stream #6 - Playing Update 2 - Chaotic fun with @JesseCox! 14.12.2023
- Highlights Dev Stream #6 14.12.2023
Dev Stream #5 - A.B.S. - Allways Be Scooping! 23.11.2023
- Highlights Dev Stream #5 23.11.2023
Dev Stream #4 - Two devs and a CM walked into a spaceship... 09.11.2023
- Highlights Dev stream #4 09.11.2023
Dev Stream #3 - B.R.A.I.N. Update with 3 Void Crew devs 27.10.2023
- Highlights Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023
Dev Stream #2 - Quests and Questions with 3 Void Crew devs 13.10.2023
- Highlights Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023
Dev Stream #1 - Two Void Crew developers and one Community Manager fighting for METEM 29.09.2023

Current Entries - Early Access

Category Suggestion/ Question Comment Date Source
Development Are there any plans for hardpoint that is 2x2? It is something that was left from the development, but we have plans to use them. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development Are you satisfied with Engineer and Scavenger? Engineer's active ability is pretty much useless. Scavenger does not bring anything to the team, while he is really good at EVA. Any changes? We have two main role - Pilot and Gunner and Engineer and Scavenger are support roles. We understand that players are not satisfied with the current state of Engineer and Scavenger and we hear you, so we are planing to do some things to them. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development Have you ever planned on adding a survival mode/mission? We have prototyped it a bunch. We had a game mode called "Last Stand", but it is very old. We like the idea, so it might happen at some point. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development How hard would it be to create a game mode where players can build their own ships? At some point in development we had that concept in mind. In very early development phase the game look something like "Raft" in space, but we did not like the balance between "building" and "action" phases, because building took most part, so we decided to focus more on "action" part. At the moment we are focus on other things. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development Multiple player ships at once. Would that be possible? It is possible, but not in our focus. We are interested to have a module for controlling unmanned fighters. Adding a second standalone ship is unfeasible from technical standpoint. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode) Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode) Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development VR? Linux? VR is a maybe, but there are some limitations. For Linux we are on Steam Deck. For native support - it is not planned at the moment. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development What is your plan for the Orison Heavy Autocannon? It feels super weak right now, especially not being able to upgrade to MK3. The Autocannon is good for destroying enemies armor, for example it is good againnst Hollow Frost Mother. MK3 will come at some point. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development When will new stealth enemies come? Stealth enemies were during EA, but got removed, because we were not satisfied with stealth mechanics we had. Firstly, we want to refine stealth mechanic and then make enemies around that mechanic. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development Will the game come out on consoles? This decision mainly depends on the publisher. At the moment, our main focus is the release on PC. At the moment, there are not concrete plans. The console port is economically and technically hard question. If the game will be on consoles, then we want in to have a cross-play. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #7 25.01.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #15 27.11.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development Will there be skins for weapon modules? It would be cool. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode) Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development Will there be Twitch integration? We wanted to do it for 1.0, but we have limited resources, so we have other priorities. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development Will you add more named enemies like S4NTA? We want to expand the secondary objectives. For example, taking a normal enemy, tweaking him, making him harder and slapping a name on him. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Gameplay The game is too easy at the moment. After some point, you are invaluable. What are fixes for that? We are aware of that. The game is hard for the new players, but it gets quite easy after you get the hang of that. We do not want to introduce drastic buffs or nerfs, so we are putting the difficulty in players hand. We are working on mutators, that will modify your run. Also we always intended, that after finishing one biome, the next one will be much more challenging. At the moment, the difficulty only changes enemy health and damage, so we are adding more stuff that difficulty will affect. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Gameplay Why do you punish solo players? The more players there are, the more likely major hull breaches appear. Hence, less opportunities for solo players to use Sanctified Hull Plate. It is a leftover from earliest days of the development. We are working on it. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Gameplay Will the Reclaimer be killable? We want to do it, but the current version of the Reclaimer is behind invulnerable shields. We want to make the fight memorable. There were some good ideas, like adding a new objective of killing the Reclaimer, who haven't got his shields yet. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Gameplay Will we be able to save progress during missions? Our main focus is on the rogue-like game mode, where saving will not be an option. In the future, there might be another game mode. We are discussing Pros and Cons on save during run. We want the players to do shorter runs, rather than focusing on long ones. We do not want the optimal strategy to be to have a run last 6+ hours. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #5 23.11.2023(timecode) Reddit Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Misc Will there be a community translation? We really want it, but we are not prioritizing that at the moment. 17.01.2025 Dev Stream #17 17.01.2025(timecode)
Development What are the plans for solo players? More features will be added to assist solo players and help both low- and high-level crew players. There are three B.R.A.I.N.S. stations that assist both solo and multi-crew ships: two AI-controlled weapons (kinetic and energy), one AI-controlled engineer, and a cruise mode available on the helm. More updates and adjustments are coming for solo players. 12.12.2023 Dev Stream #1 29.09.2023(timecode) Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode) Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode)
Gameplay Are you satisfied with the Freedom loadout? No, as it does not have any special rules applied to it. 12.12.2024 Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode)
Gameplay Are you satisfied with the location of the bioport on the Frigate? No, but relocating it is not prioritized at the moment. We have an idea for it to move up and down when needed. 12.12.2024 Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode)
Gameplay How does accuracy work? You have minimal and maximum accuracy. Accuracy stats affect the minimum and maximum amount but do not influence how the "circle" changes with each shot. 12.12.2024 Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode)
Gameplay How does stealth mine work? Stealth mines are slightly visible and are revealed at intervals. 12.12.2024 Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode)
Gameplay How do I use the oxygen tank that you find in wrecks? Firstly, you need to power it on and find oxygen supply, and then, by holding the interaction key, you will refill oxygen. 12.12.2024 Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode)
Gameplay What is "Brood Anger"? "Brood Anger" represents how many Hollow reinforcements will come. 12.12.2024 Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode) Discord
Gameplay What is the difference between minor and major hull breaches? As you take damage, minor breaches appear. If you leave a minor breach unfixed, it will turn into a major hull breach, which requires resources to fix. We might revise the mechanics behind hull breaches. The more players there are, the more hull breaches you will get. 12.12.2024 Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode)
Gameplay What is void stability exactly? What makes it go down? If it gets low, you get interdicted and you have to fight a mini-boss. 12.12.2024 Dev Stream #16 27.11.2024(timecode)
Development Are you planning on adding bigger wrecks/POI to make Scavenger more useful? Yes, we want to add more wrecks and even include wrecks during boss fights to make the scavenger role more useful. 27.11.2024 Dev Stream #15 27.11.2024(timecode)
Development Do you think that you could add more enemy Ship classes?(Light, Medium, Heavy) Yes, for example, we have already added some Morphs and more are to come. 27.11.2024 Dev Stream #15 27.11.2024(timecode)
Development Have you thought about increasing crew player limit? Our main focus remains on 1-4 player coop, but who knows. You can use mods to inreease amount of players 27.11.2024 Dev Stream #7 25.01.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #8 16.02.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #15 27.11.2024(timecode)
Development Will there be different designs of ships? Yes! We don't have a third ship planned yet, so it's not "in sight" at the moment, but we know that we want to do more ships. 27.11.2024 Dev Stream #7 25.01.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #10 14.06.2024 Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #15 27.11.2024(timecode)
Gameplay What are the plans for stealth destroyers? Stealth Destroyers will be made harder to spot. Destroyers are no longer stealth. Stealth enemies are in a tricky spot—they have been removed except for stealth mines, as the stealth mechanic isn’t currently in a good place. We plan to refine and polish the stealth mechanic before reintroducing stealth enemies. 29.09.2023 Dev Stream #1 29.09.2023(timecode) Dev Stream #15 27.11.2024(timecode)
Development Are we going to get some bigger guns, with bigger EXPLOSIONS? There will be new weapons and interesting mechanics tied to them. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Development Have you considered 2x1 mods? Good idea, we have to think about that. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Development Is there an ETA for saving in the Endless mode? At the moment we aren't sure whether we will create any kind of saving system or opt into a different solution for the “run ends because I cant play for longer, instead of because I got defeated” problem. It is not planned at the moment. 27.09.2024 Discord Dev Stream #11 05.07.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Development Prestige system? Cool idea. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Development Skipping objectives, will we have a button for that? We talked about it internally, but we haven’t decided if we want that or not. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Development What about some new modules? Cloaking Device! Warp Drive! EMP! Yes, we want to add more modules and content overall. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Development What are some things that you started developing, but ended up scrapping for whatever reason? Relics, but they came back. Tactical map: it would be a 2D version of the sector you are in. It would allow a scrapped role, "Tactical Officer," to play another version of the game. Target locking and scanning were tied to that map and role. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Development Will there be more levels for progression? At the moment it's level 30 and you've got all the things unlocked, besides cosmetics. We do not want levels to have much effect on the success of runs; rather, your decisions during the run will determine its outcome. That said, we are not ruling it out entirely—it is just not planned at the moment. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Gameplay Do we have to deconstruct the Modules at the end of the run, to get extra XP? No, they are counted towards the bonus. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Gameplay Fabricator Blueprints - they're only gonna be unlocked for the current run, right? Yes. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Development Will there be modules that are taking up more space, like a bigger gun which takes more slots? We have tried that, and we liked the idea, so maybe sometime in the future. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Lore What about the story mode? Will we ever reach the Garden? Originally, many years ago, the game was developed as a story game with its own campaign mode, but at the moment the campaign mode is not planned. Lore will be expanded with updates. 27.09.2024 Dev Stream #14 27.09.2024(timecode)
Development Are you planning to add more powerful ship loadouts from the begining? Maybe. 12.09.2024 Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Development Will we get more roles, like scientist? It is not impossible, but no planned. 12.09.2024 Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Development Will the game be moddable? Yes. 05.07.2024 Dev Stream #7 25.01.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #11 05.07.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Gameplay Are you able to avoid interdictions? Yes, if the jump location is selected and the pilot pulls the void jump lever, unless you jump directly into unstable tunnel. 12.09.2024 Dev Stream #11 05.07.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Gameplay Is there a way to upgrade your ship during the voyage? Yes, you can upgrade your ship during the voyage by earning rewards through completing objectives and looting. 12.09.2024 Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Gameplay What is determining if ship damage can be repaired? It is a percentage of all damage taken. The part, that is "diagonal" you can repair. 12.09.2024 #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Gameplay Why is your vision blurry? We decided it would be fun to make vision blurry when you're low on oxygen during EVA, so you can't see much. 12.09.2024 Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Gameplay Will the grappling hook be able to grapple other players? No, to prevent griefing. 12.09.2024 Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Misc Did you took inspiration from Deep Rock Galactic? When making a co-op game, you need to take inspiration from the "Grand Old Man". Our idea is that Ectypes are fragile and powerless on their own, but teamwork and the ship compensate for this. Unlike DRG, where each dwarf is strong individually, our approach focuses more on collaboration. In general, yes, but not limited to that game. 12.09.2024 Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Misc How did you come up with the name "Ectype"? "Ectype" means a copy. Since the body in the game is copied most of the time, the name fits perfectly. Each time you travel to a different location, the body is destroyed, and the mind is transferred. 12.09.2024 Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Misc Will we be able to customize our ships? There are some plans, but we are not actively working on it. It’s a question of time and whether we can accomplish everything we want for the game. However, it would be a cool addition. 12.09.2024 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode) Dev Stream #11 05.07.2024(timecode) Dev Stream #13 12.09.2024(timecode)
Gameplay What can you tell us about B.R.A.I.N.S. variants for loadouts? B.R.A.I.N.S. are tricky to balance. We want players to feel lucky when they find them during their runs. We might consider adding other variants in the future. 05.07.2024 Dev Stream #11 05.07.2024(timecode)
Lore Are Metem script runes translatable? Metem script runes are not translatable. In the game, they are considered very ancient and are part of a Progenitor script. 05.07.2024 Dev Stream #11 05.07.2024(timecode)
Gameplay Will you make it easier to find the homunculus when it's ejected? Yes. It now has a marker when ejected. 14.06.2024 Dev Stream #10 14.06.2024
Gameplay Will you make the normal run become a endless run? Normal runs have a reward, that endless mode does not have, but we are considering adding them to endless. There is only endless mode now. 14.06.2024 Dev Stream #10 14.06.2024
Gameplay Why are ship movement controls limited? (roll, yaw, pitch) It is a design choice based on the coop nature of the game - it increased the complexity by a great degree, not only for the movement itself but also for the directional shotcalling, to have all degrees of freedom unlocked. But we might switch to that one day, who knows! 02.06.2024 Discord
Gameplay Will the B.R.A.I.N.S. be craftable? Mainly B.R.A.I.N.S. were made to help solo and low crew ships, but with adding endless mode we can rethink that. The Fabricator can now learn B.R.A.I.N.S. as any other blueprint. 14.03.2024 Dev Stream #9 14.03.2024
Gameplay Will there be a way to safely EVA during a void jump? It will be part of the Engineer perk tree, providing better survivability in the void. The void is a place where you should be repairing your ship. 02.06.2024 Discord
Development Will there be achievements for Void Crew? We want to introduce achievements in a future Update, yeah! There are achievements in Steam. 11.04.2024 Discord Dev Stream #5 23.11.2023(timecode)
Development How are the lootboxes reworked? Now, the loot a lootbox gives you depends on its rarity. It will prioritize giving you something new from its rarity pool. If you already own everything from that pool, it will move to the next lower rarity and try to provide something new from there. 25.01.2024 Dev Stream #7 25.01.2024(timecode)
Gameplay Will the game support controllers? It is planned in the future. It does. 25.01.2024 Dev Stream #1 29.09.2023(timecode) Dev Stream #7 25.01.2024
Development Will there be procedural generation of stations for EVA? We are working on it. 25.01.2024 Dev Stream #7 25.01.2024(timecode)
Development Will there be black holes or wormholes, and how will they affect the game? We’ve remade the astral map. Our idea for data shards is to use them to gain access to hidden areas on the map. For wormholes, the idea is that they will become an extra option after completing certain missions. However, you’ll need to work to unlock the wormhole, which will then present some kind of challenge. 25.01.2024 Dev Stream #7 25.01.2024(timecode)
Lore Are there good and bad guys? With the next update, we will add lore collectibles that will shed light on the game's story. 25.01.2024 Dev Stream #7 25.01.2024(timecode)
Misc Is there a complex system your are really proud of? Procedural wreck's generation. 16.01.2024 Hutlihut Talks Vlog #3 16.01.2024(timecode)
Development Are you satisfied with how rewards work in this game? No, we have plans to improve them. 17.12.2023 Dev Stream #6 17.12.2024
Misc Will there be seasonal events and cosmetics? Yes. 17.12.2023 Dev Stream #6 17.12.2023(timecode)
Development What game engine was this game made in? We used Unity. Check our Space Log for more info! 23.11.2023 Dev Stream #5 25.01.2024
Gameplay Are you planning to add MK2 and beyond for loadouts? Our goal for loadouts is to make them interesting, not just straight upgrades. You will be able to upgrade your loadout during voyages. 23.11.2023 Dev Stream #5 23.11.2023(timecode)
Gameplay How does enemy spotting work? Enemies have spheres around them. One is the 'investigation' sphere, indicated by a yellow light. When you enter this sphere, the enemy will investigate the unknown signature or the last location where it entered the sphere. If you get too close, you will enter the 'aggro' sphere, which also triggers aggro for nearby teammates. 23.11.2023 Dev Stream #5 23.11.2023(timecode)
Misc Will there be a 'Fasten your seat belts' button to warn other crew members of a jump? Yes, and we will add windscreen wipers on both the outside and inside to clean up after crewmates who didn’t fasten their seat belts. 23.11.2023 Dev Stream #5 23.11.2023(timecode)
Lore Are B.R.A.I.N.S. just programs grafted onto flesh, or are they brains removed from skulls and jammed into jars? A third perspective: these B.R.A.I.N.S. are printed using biomass and integrated into machines. They are unaware of their existence as "brains in a jar," but, like Ectypes and Homunculus, they possess a soul. 18.11.2023 Hutlihut Talks Vlog #2 18.11.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Are you there any plains on giving XP for kills, assists, repairs, etc.? No, but statistics are planned. 09.11.2023 Dev Stream #4 09.11.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will there be an empty, but customizable ship? Our focus is to upgrade pre-installed modules. There is a empty ship, where you put modules you like, but homuncuclus has no buff. 09.11.2023 Dev Stream #4 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Why are preinstalled modules not removable? For pure gameplay purposes, the ship must always have the ability to fight back. Pre-installed modules are planned to be upgradeable. All modules are removable now. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode) Dev Stream #4 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will there be melee options for ships? At some point collisions are to be revised and maybe then, not at the moment. 09.11.2023 Dev Stream #4 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will there be MK3+ modules? Not in priority. 09.11.2023 Dev Stream #4 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will there be PVP mode? No. 09.11.2023 Dev Stream #4 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will you add planet scavenging/exploration? No. 09.11.2023 Dev Stream #4 27.10.2023(timecode)
Misc Are you going to collaborate with other indie developers? Yes. 09.11.2023 Dev Stream #4 09.11.2023(timecode)
Misc Will there be a wiki? Yes 09.11.2023 Dev Stream #4 09.11.2023(timecode)
Development What have been the biggest challenges so far? Communicating intended mechanics and functionality to players is challenging. The core loop and fun elements were prioritized initially, making it harder to later enhance communication and improve the user experience. Still lots of things to do here. 02.11.2023 Hutlihut Talks Vlog #1 02.11.2023(timecode)
Lore What's an Ectype? An Ectype is essentially a "meat person." As we developed the game, we also created the lore to address the challenge of explaining how a player could die and then return alive and unharmed. This led to the concept of the Ectype: an immortal clone warrior who experiences and learns from death. 02.11.2023 Hutlihut Talks Vlog #1 02.11.2023(timecode)
Lore What is Metem? The organization of Metem is inspired by a mythological figure whose name influenced its creation and purpose in forming all Ectypes. The word "Metem" derives from Metempsychosis, meaning the transference of the mind, which aligns closely with the game's design.Metem serves a dual purpose—it is both a person and an organization. The person, Metem, predates the organization and is referenced in the game's lore as the one who perfected the process of metempsychosis. This foundational achievement laid the groundwork for the formation of the organization. 02.11.2023 Dev Stream #1 29.09.2023(timecode) Hutlihut Talks Vlog #1 02.11.2023(timecode)
Development How often will updates come out? As soon as they are ready and we are happy with them. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Are there any plans in changing how biomass recycling works? Not in priority. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Are you satisfied how refining works in the game? No, that's why after version 1.5, everything(inside the ship) will be automatically deconstructed and converted into loot. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Are you satisfied how perks work at the moment? No, perks are at "Early Access" state at the moment. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will gravity scoop be able to grab players? No, but there are some vague ideas. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay How do B.R.A.I.N.S. cannons work? They have a predetermined range and angle within which they will target an enemy if it is in range. They prioritize targets marked by the player. B.R.A.I.N.S. cannons cannot overheat but require a lot of energy. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay How does cruise mode work? After activating cruise mode, the ship will continue its current movement with a debuff to its thrusters. If all players leave the ship, cruise mode turns itself off. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay How does scanning work? The pilot needs to manually aim and scan targets, but some targets will get auto-scanned, depending on their size. Marked targets assist the gunner with aiming. Stationary turrets do not detect pilot's marks. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode) Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay What are the plans for void jumps and bosses? Boss rework and void jump interruptions are planned. Void jumps are relatively safe; there are now void jump interruptions, and bosses have been reworked. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode) Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will there be an endless mode? Yes. The game is now in endless mode, which you can leave whenever you want. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 27.10.2023(timecode) Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will there be more objectives? Yes. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Misc Who is the guy in the hub and what is his purpose? His name is Steve, and he shows how good you can look. 27.10.2023 Dev Stream #3 27.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay How do shields work? After installing a shield, you can choose which side to use the shields on. The less coverage you have on one side, the more shield arcs the covered side will have. You can see the shield and battery status from the helm. 13.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay How will marking targets as a pilot affect the auto-turrets? They will prioritize targets starting with Alpha. 13.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay What are your views on the game loop? The idea is to create a loop that fuels other loops, although it can be improved with more player adaptation. 13.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay What is your idea behind perks? The idea is to make them meaningful and useful. 13.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Does player count increase enemy spawn rate? Amount of player affects amount of enemies and objectives, while the difficulty of a mission affects enemies health and damage. 13.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Why are repair pings stuck on the same defect/breach? This is intentional; they will switch after the pinged defect/breach is fixed. 13.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will there be an option for a pilot to ping thruster booster like they can ping the engine trims? Yes. It is in the game. 13.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will there be a safe space between missions and void jumps? It is planned to be added. Void jumps are relatively safe now; here, you can fix defects or even breaches. 13.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode)
Misc What's up with the Polish Air Force insignia? It is a complete coincidence. 13.10.2023 Dev Stream #2 13.10.2023(timecode)
Gameplay What is the difference between loot box rarities? A better loot box means better chances of getting a new item, not a duplicate. 29.09.2023 Dev Stream #1 29.09.2023(timecode)
Gameplay What is the purpose of the Scavenger perk for fire resistance? In the Vigilance sector, you can get Scorching Pulse, which deals a lot of fire damage. You can also launch your friends with thrusters, which also deal fire damage. 29.09.2023 Dev Stream #1 29.09.2023(timecode)
Gameplay Will there be an option to restore oxygen outside the spacecraft? There is one station, but more will be added. 29.09.2023 Dev Stream #1 29.09.2023(timecode)

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