Hutlihut - Space Log

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Written Space Log, as an additional channel of communicating more to the Void Crew community. We want to share more about what we are doing, some of the challenges we experience and what we are working on.

We are working on several parallel tracks, developing cool new features and content for the game, as well as bug fixing and improving the quality of the game experience. We hear you, there are bugs that are on the must-fix list that we are working hard to clear out. Our message to you is: We are committed to both.

Please continue to provide us with your feedback, so we can make Void Crew the best it can be. And then some.

See Space Logs below:

Hutlihut - Space Log #3: Addressing FPS issues 13.12.2023
Hutlihut - Space Log #2: The Making of Temperance 07.12.2023
Hutlihut - Space Log #1: Carryable rework 16.11.2023

See Also

Hutlihut Talks (Vlogs)