Community To-do list

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To-Do List

Below is the Community To-Do List, with things to help out on in the Void Crew wiki.

About Claiming Content

You can claim as many items on the To-do list as you want. Bold User Name means that the user expect to get it done soon, with or without help and is actively working on it. Normal User Name means that the user has some knowledge that would help writting the page, but don’t expect to do it soon (> 1 week). So other Users can claim this page to get it done faster, potentially asking for his help to get more info if needed.

Edit-clear.svg This content is a stub. You can help by expanding it.

Page Creating

  • Create a page for weapon mods

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Adding Content

  • Add description about in-game controls: Controls

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Updating Outdated Page

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Pages to Review

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Pages to Clean Up

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Pages to Check for Wrong or Outdated Content

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Template Creation

  • Create templates for exact enemy stats like health, shield, weak spots etc.
    • JesperHutlihut - I am in talks wit the devs about creating a tool which can easily export this data in an easily readable manner, will create the template when that's been made
  • Create a weapon stats info template

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Template Modification

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In Game

In Game Test Needed

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Image Wanted (Simple Screenshot)

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Images Wanted (Cropping Needed)

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Add description of how-to take screenshots.