How to Play Guide for Void Crew

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Are you new to Void Crew?
… or have a friend who's new to the game, and you don’t feel like explaining all the basics?
See Void Crew - 10 (video) Guides to get started

Below guide is intended to give basic gameplay advice to new players. For more help/tips, play the Awakening (Tutorial mission) or read the in-game Codex.
You can also visit the official Void Crew Discord server, and the Tips, tricks and strategies page.

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How to Play

Are you new to Void Crew?
… or have a friend who's new to the game, and you don’t feel like explaining all the basics?
We created video guides, explaining the basics: Void Crew - 10 (video) Guides to get started

Starting an Objective

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Understanding the different roles

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See Also